Better Housing Better Health
The Better Housing Better Health service is a fuel poverty service run by the National Energy Foundation and has recently opened in Worcestershire working to help residents living in or at risk of living in fuel poverty to access advice and support.
They have recently reopened the Emergency Fuel Voucher Scheme, which means vouchers worth £49 can now be issued to anyone on a prepayment meter with any supplier. The service has no eligibility requirements and to qualify for an Emergency Fuel Voucher, a resident only needs to be low on credit on their prepayment meter.
Alongside this, there is a helpline that’s free to call where the team can give valuable tips on how to stay warm at home, provide items to improve energy efficiency, sign up those in need of additional support to the Priority Services Register and access grants for energy efficiency grant funding.
For more information and to sign up call the free helpline number on 0800 107 0044.